Why we charged #50 for award nomination – DOS

During the Awards/Dinner party held on Saturday as part of the SUG Student Week, the Director of Social Alfred Dafe took time to clear the air on why Fifty Naira (#50) was used for this year's award nomination and voting process for the awards.

Last year when the pioneer SUG held the first Awards/Dinner night, most of the students cried foul. This was because to them, most of the award winners did not merit the awards given to them so this year in order to avoid such cries, we met with the Dean of Student Affairs to discuss on how to tackle this issue and Dr. Joseph Umoro (DSA) brought the idea of paying #50 for each nomination. “If you have friends, they will be willing to spend any amount to vote for you and make sure you win the award category you were nominated in; that’s if they feel you merit it” he said.

So for that reason every nominee paid #50 and for each vote they got, the voter also paid #50 so with that there was transparency and fairness in the process this year.

See the names of the award winners
Why we charged #50 for award nomination – DOS Why we charged #50 for award nomination – DOS Reviewed by Crazy Writer on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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