Ever since the post utme results were released, so many students and aspiring candidates of federal university Otuoke have been speculating, permutating and doing all sorts of calculations on how the results (jamb and post utme) are added and divided to arrive at an aggregate score, forgetting to add O'level results as well.

Well one thing is worthy of note, admission process depends on a lot of things. For institutions like FUO that are so many things involved in the process and the are but not limited to jamb score, post utme score, catchment area of the school, NUC admission quota etc.

Though some schools have departmental cutoff marks of which aspiring candidates must meet, FUO for now does not have one.
So one begins to wonder how they admit or their modus operandi. An anonymous source made it clear to us that in FUO, admission is based on how many people applied for a particular program and how many students the school wishes to admit in that program for the year.

Also the benchmark for cutoff is based on the performance of the aspiring students during the post utme exercise. That is to say, if the average score of students this year is 350, the school picks it up since the greater number of candidates for that program scored 350 and above. This can be lower or lesser the next year as well.
So for now, stop all the calculations and confusion on how to get average and aggregate scores.
We wish you all the best.

FUOTUOKE DEPARTMENTAL CUTOFF MARK FUOTUOKE DEPARTMENTAL CUTOFF MARK Reviewed by Crazy Writer on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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