The rumours on the release of 1st semester 2016/2017 result engulfs the University as freshers become anxious on what it would look like. Speaking with a student yesterday who pleaded to be kept anonymous told Fuocampusgist that his mind was up his chest with the rumours but after checking it out in the university's ecampus portal and found out that it was just a false rumour kept calm, a little free but not withstanding he still would want to see it soon for his mind to be at rest, those where his words.

Another fresher from the Faculty of education spoke to Fuocampusgist and said "When I signed into my portal and saw dashes and my entire course below like carryover I wanted to pee, not until a friend close told me that, the reason why I was seeing those courses there was because the scores have not been uploaded, that was when I felt relax, but it's taking too long, I want to see it so I'll know the journey has started from somewhere". Those where her words.

1st SEMESTER 2016/2017 RESULT RUMOUR 1st SEMESTER 2016/2017 RESULT RUMOUR Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, June 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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