Protest Aftermath!

Following the protest of students of Federal University Otuoke on Monday 23rd April, 2018, the school management represented by the Vice Chancellor told the students union Executives to come for dialogue with the school management same day by 2pm

It would be recalled that the Comr. Millow led SUG government led students of the institution on a peaceful demonstration due to the fact that the school management has refused all returning students who have not paid their school fees yet and at such were not also to register their various courses for the semester from writing the 2017/2018 first semester examinations while those in 100 level were not only refused as well but have not been given matriculation numbers. All the affected students could not even be permitted to write their GES tests. The protest was to allow every one write their exams whether or not they've paid their school fees.

The meeting with the management started a bit late but at the end, the Vice Chancellor who expressed his state of shock at the protest and disappointment in the SUG for leading such protes asked them to allow the senate sit and discourse on the best way to tackle the issue and get back to her. All exams were thereafter suspended till further notice.

The SUG president, Comr. Millow Richard when addressing the press thanked all students of FUO for their support in the movement. He expressed his gratitude to the students for have the plights of their fellow students at heart and asked them to remain calm and see the outcome of the senate meeting.

"Since the management has requested us to wait till the the emergency senate meeting, we would give them the benefit of the doubt that they will hear our pleas and allow everyone to write their exams and re-open the school portal for registration of courses at least till second semester. We pray the senate gives us a listening ear in their goodwill as our fathers and mothers but if it turns out the other way, the students will have an emergency to also know what to do".

The president also adviced the students to get their money ready so that immediately the portal is opened, they can go ahead and pay their fees and register their courses.

"I know the economy of our nation is not friendly of which the students are also having a pinch but I want to advice all the affected students to please get their money ready so that immediately the portal is opened, they can go ahead and pay up their fees and register their courses for the semester".

Also during the meeting the president of the union raised some challenges the students were facing in the school and the VC in his good will declared that in all the hostels, there will be light from 6pm till 12am and in the school there will be light from 8am - 9pm till the exams are over. He also said the library will be open to students now from 8:30am till 10pm weekdays and also during the weekends (just as it is stipulated in the student handbook). All these are to be implemented with immediate effects.

Protest Aftermath! Protest Aftermath! Reviewed by Crazy Writer on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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