female student dies during marathon sex

The executives of FUO campus Gist have carried out extensive investigation on this sex scandal issue trending everywhere and have come up with the following results:
1. Such incident actually happened but was not related to any sex or drugs.
2. The girl involed in the supposed scandal had a heart issue but is currently alive and doing well.
3. The intial reports were altered by people who spoke to newsmen during investigations. The death report was a mixed up story

We urge everyone to discard the information and take it as a rumuour because it never happened and no FUO student died during sex.

We wish to apologize for the misinformation.

We also wish to thank the SUG for their assistance in investigating the rumour extensively.

Federal University Otuoke remains safe and is a great citadel of learning for all well meaning Nigerians. We employ everyone to not be deterred by this rumuor.

Please share on other platforms and also make this trend.

FUO SEX SCANDAL FAKE!!! FUO SEX SCANDAL FAKE!!! Reviewed by Crazy Writer on Thursday, May 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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